This is my blog designed to share my experiences as a sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder with a focus of trying to come up with something positive out of every day.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
I have acquired this freakazoid skitzo stalker - one of the perils of online dating, I suppose - and he wants to ruin my life - 'destroy' me, in fact. This of course, initially instilled fear in me as such a threat naturally would, but then I realised what exactly is there left of my life to destroy.
Here is a quick summary of factors that have 'ruined' my life, to date- and this is in an effort to save the aforementioned stalker the effort of airing all my dirty laundry, as I am sure he has a very busy schedule of freaking women out via the internet.
I was conceived in effort to trap my Dad into a relationship and to raise and provide for my three older siblings. That is where my usefulness to my mother ended. I grew up rejected for existing and blamed for ruining her life. As I got older, it got worse. I grew up in a house of alcohol abuse, emotional abuse and physical abuse. I obviously have rejection issues (to put it mildly) and have this 'hero complex' where I want to be rescued by men because I feel my dad didnt do a enough to protect me as a child.
When I was fifteen, I got into a relationship with a man ten years my senior. This obviously caused issues with the parentals. They reported it to the police, got intervention orders in my name and locked me up in an adolescent psych ward for a week (as you do). After my stint in the whack shack, I discovered I was pregnant. Given the police investigation, I was coerced into having an abortion - something I disagree with on a moral level and definitely not something I wanted to do in this circumstance. The police charges were dropped (due to lack of evidence) and the intervention orders ran out on my 17th birthday.
I fell pregnant with my son Lucas at the end of year 12 and I was estatic but it obviously came with it's dramas. I was induced at 41 weeks at the Royal Women's Hospital which was an epic fail culminating in an emergency c-section under general anaesthetic. My mother tried to steal Lucas from me when he was two weeks old and have me 'committed' again. I left home that night and lived with Lucas' father, Ben.
It took til my first bank statement to arrive at that address for his gambling problem to become apparent. The majority of my $3000 baby bonus went down the pokies.
When Lucas was six months old, my parents (who had not seen Lucas since he was 2 weeks old) made a false report to the police and child protection that Ben had beaten up Lucas. A police officer came to our house at 3am, requested we undress Lucas to his nappy and did a full inspection of him. There wasn't a mark on him and the 'investigation' went no further. But that didn't stop my drug addicted sister and her deadbeat boyfriend rocking up on my door step the next morning, trying to steal Lucas and assaulting Ben in front of two police officers. Intervention orders against my sister and dad followed.
When my daughter Bethany was six months old, she ended up on life support with bleeding on the brain. We were accused of shaking her and while she was in hospital, Lucas was removed from our care. She ended up needing two lots of surgery and on the date of her second surgery, I was in Children's Court -alone- defending allegations that I had assaulted and nearly killed my own child. In the end, after a full examination involving a full body x-ray to look for old fractures etc, it was determined by some professor or something, that in fact we had not harmed Bethany.
Fast forward, things start to fall apart between Ben and I. He is a useless father and he was getting slacker with covering up his gambling. He racked up a whole lot of credit card debt in my name and defaulted on a car loan also in my name. Our arguments escalated into domestic violence which the police laughed off and dismissed every single time I called. The breaking point came when Ben had taken all my money and I didn't have enough formula for Bethany for the day. If it hadn't been for free sachets from the health nurse that day, our baby would have gone hungry.
I left Ben in June 2008. He was arrested trying to break into someone's house in August 2008. He was bailed and breached his bail in December 2008. We visited him in prison until one day we were told he had been moved to protection and that he could have no contact with children under 16.
He did not see his children til September 2010.
In January 2009, the children and I moved to Bendigo. On January 28 2009, I was raped in my own home by a member of the Legislative Council. I tried to kill myself for the first time in March 2009. Getting word that I was going to press charges against him, this politician got an intervention order against me in April 2009. It was thrown out of court the day of the hearing because I had a phone full of text messages from him saying all the dirty things he wanted to do to me. I tried to kill myself again in April and twice in October. The children were never in the house at the time I overdosed and were always in appropriate and safe care.
In the middle of all this, some psychotic bitch from a mother's group I was briefly a part of lodged a false complaint with police that I had 'keyed' her car. Apart from being questioned by police, the matter didn't go any further.
I had my children removed from my care in October 2009. I had an extensive psychological evaluation and was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.
Lucas and Bethany were returned to my care in September 2010 and I was in a relationship with the man of my dreams, Shane. Ben tried to see the children every weekend. DHS intially said he could have them every weekend in Melbourne over night as 'respite' for me. I explained there is no way in hell that my children would be given unsupervised access with a sex offender who hadnt seen them in over a year, least of all 150kms away from me. He intermittently saw them every weekend supervised by his mother for four hours. He was inappropriate and incompetent, even when 'supervised' and a lodged a complaint with DHS after every access visit. It all came to a head on Christmas day and weekend access was stopped and he was only allowed to see them supervised, at DHS, during the week. He has not seen them since Christmas Day.
So I fell pregnant with Lincoln, my kids were home and Shane and I were engaged. It was perfect. Then the baby was born and everything fell apart. Shane seemed to lose the plot a bit and when my newborn baby was 6 weeks old, Shane took off with my baby. Long story very short, Shane's Dad committed suicide when Shane was 10, his mum worked three jobs to provide for her boys, Shane feels indebtted to her, Shane's mum always wanted more kids and there we have it: a perfect way for Shane to 'repay' his Mum. My baby boy. It is sick and twisted.
I didnt see that baby for a month. I know get to see him twice a week for four hours 'supervised'.
I called the police and DHS on the day this happened but they didn't give a fuck. And why should they? I later found out that Shane planned this all in advance and even gave DHS the heads up so they could come check up on ME!
So I put the kids in voluntary foster care, try unsuccessfully to kill myself - again.
Then I have to concede that I, in fact, have to deal with being alive. So I turn to drinking, sex and self harm just to deal with reality.
Shane was the 26th boy I have had sex with, I am now up to 51. I have done my fair share of slutting around - and hell, there were quite a few freaks in amongst those numbers, too.
So cut to the present day, I am getting back on track. The issues I am currently facing are a incompetent Department of Human Services on strike, no solid plan for reunification, my children being in a placement with seven other children with a carer who can't be bothered taking Lucas to the school I legally retain the right to enrol him in and I have to deal with the fact that the needs of my autistic son are simply not being met. On top of that, I have to fight this department CONSTANTLY to stop a registered sex offender, who has made NO effort to contact me about the kids welfare or even send a card for their birthdays and who complains about having to pay off his $2000 child support debt at $40 a fortnight (which has now stopped altogether), having unsupervised contact with my children.
And you know what, I am still fucking here. I have spent more time in family court, childrens court and in meetings with DHS, fighting for my children who I have never harmed or neglected in any way, shape or form, to be home with me, where they belong. I have Borderline Personality Disorder which is one of the most self-destructive disorders I have ever come across that isn't treatable by medication. And I have a seven month old baby boy who I have not seen for two weeks who is growing up without me.
So, buddy, if you think you can 'ruin' my life - go right ahead. Because if none of the crap I have dealt with from the moment I was born hasn't killed me. Then I doubt any 'dirt' you have on me that you may have gathered in the week that you have 'known' is going to make an impact. Sure it might be entertaining to watch you try, but you are really the least of my concern.
So today, I am grateful that I am still here. That I have three gorgeous children who mean everything to me. That even though I feel defeated sometimes, I still have some fight in me left. I will always fight for my children and what is best for them. Always. Nothing will ever stop me fighting to have them home, to have them safe, happy and healthy and at the educational instituions I deem appropriate. I will always fight to keep them safe from sex offenders and anyone who tries to remove them from my care. I will always do the what I think is best and try my hardest to cater for and manage Lucas' additional needs. I'm not a perfect person and I am far from the perfect parent - but it cannot be denied that I love my children and always -regardless of any circumstance- try to do what I feel is best for them.
I'm still here. I'm still fighting. And sometimes it is damn hard to even get out of bed in the morning. But I will be damned if DHS, or a registered sex offender or god help me, some guy on the internet, is going to ruin my life. But if you want to try - bring it the fuck on.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Also I am grateful for the people in my life who make me laugh on a daily basis. Laughter is so truly the best medicine. In my April Mums group are some of the most hilarious people I have ever come across in my life. God, they make me laugh. And my older sister and younger sister - hilarious. I love Mel's adventures and daily awkwardness and Gen's general FML-ness plus updates on Dad. And there is #48 who is the only person left I can share my sexual adventures with. He is one of the funniest people I have ever met. Absolutely has me in stiches via text. And then there is Shane - who I should hate, and let's be honest, I do - but goddamn it if he isn't the funniest person I have ever met. Sometimes I hate his ability to always make me laugh.
And lastly today, I am thankful for some good news a friend received today about her health. So relieved. I didn't know I could care about someone I had never even met until I grew attached to all these people on Facebook. So happy - she deserves peace, good health and all the best in life. I know, I would be lost without her and her ongoing support. Hearing her good news made my day!
Now I am off to chill for the rest of the day - I am determined to have an early night today, but I do say that every night! I get to Lucas, Bee and Lincoln tomorrow! Can't wait.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
What could have been..
This is my engagement ring! I miss it soooo much! My finger still feels lighter without it. |
This would have been my wedding ring to match. |
And in a world where money was not an issue, this would have been my wedding dress! Love love love it!! <3 Ahhh... let a girl dream! Well thanks for reading along and letting me share! <3 |
So today I am grateful for the excessive amount of sleep I have been able to have, a weekend of peace and all the wonderful people on my facebook who genuinely care about me, support me and have proven to have my back time and time again.
Even though I am feeling content today - not estatically happy, which is great at the time but often leads to a huge crash - there are some not-so-great reminders of today.
Today - the 27th of November - was the day I was supposed to marry Shane. It is taking all of my willpower not to message him and remind him of this fact, because really what would that achieve? I can picture Lucas and Bethany all dressed up and little Lincoln - oh how gorgeous! I can picture walking down the aisle to Shane. I can picture the dress, and the ring - it was going to match my engagement ring. God I miss my engagement ring. But, alas, here I am sitting on my couch with none of my children with me and definitely lacking a fiance/husband. It doesn't make me that sad but it does make you think of what could have been.
Also, and this is a little bit more sad than the not-wedding, today makes 8 years since my baby Noah was taken from me. I don't want to think about it too much cos it will make me sad. But I will always think of him on the 27th of November. I will never forget him.
It does however make me grateful for the babies I do have, earthside. Especially my little Lucas - my 'replacement' baby.
It renews my strength and courage to fight to have him get the best education and get him home again where he needs to be.
Now, I am going to go back to burying my head in the sand, live in a blissful state of denial til at least tomorrow morning when I see my boy. I am going to finally watch 'The Adjustment Bureau' which I have been meaning to do since yesterday!
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Well here i am once again posting from the local McDonalds. My tummy is full of a double quarter pounder and bacon. Yes, Maccas certainly is my happy place!
I woke up yesterday morning with conjuctivitis which is just fantastic. It's not terribly bad but it means i can't see baby Lincoln this weekend. And Lincoln was sick during the week with a cough/cold so Shane wasn't able to bring him up here during the week. I miss my bubba! But hopefully Shane will bring him up this Wednesday for a visit with Lucas and Bee.
So with a weekend with zero plans and the beyond convenient discovery of five valium on top of my fridge, i have decided to have a lazy weekend. Seeing as i have the sleep patterns of a vampire, i am constantly tired. So this weekend, i am sleeping!
This opportunity to catch up on sleep, when it feels like I've spent weeks racking up a huge sleep debt, i am very grateful for.
I've got a full tummy. Im going to go home and watch The Adjustment Bureau and eat chocolate. Then Im going to dose up and sleep for as long as i can.
No boys, no booze, no mischief for me this weekend. Just catching up on sleep and enjoy doing nothing. No pressure and total relaxation. Bliss! It really is the simple things in life! :-)
Friday, 25 November 2011
Seeing as I've got a few minutes before my meeting with dhs and afterwards Im not likely to be grateful for anything much.... What i am grateful for today is the five left over valium i found on top of my fridge last night. Very happy and excited. Have been needing some for so long (see: having an anxiety attack everytime i have to go to bed alone and sober). And after hopefully find out 'case direction' from dhs, i suspect i need one or two!
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Just a quick one from me today....
Today Im grateful for coffee.
And Im very grateful for getting my own way and having #50 as #50. Very happy.
And Im grateful that i can see through Andrew's pathetic games. And know Im better than that.
And Im so incredibly grateful that there are people interested and supportive of my sexual adventures. Lol it's a good alternative to gossiping with all the girlfriends i don't have!
Im off to conquer #51. Have a lovely night y'all!
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Today i am grateful that i have been paid! Almost out of cash already - must ask for some sort of raise from Centrelink. But I've got maccas in my belly, coffee in my hand, chocolate - i mean groceries on their way and a collection of anti histamines.
I am also very grateful for the people that read this blog and take an interest in my life.
I don't know if Im grateful yet... But Im hopeful that Mr 50 will come see me tonight :-)
Today was a bit lackluster - i was hoping to achieve a lot more than i have but there have still been some positives *sips coffee*
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
First and foremost,I am glad a gorgeous friend of mine, Erin, is okay. I was a bit worried about her ealier and people were struggling to contact her. So I am very relieved that she is okay!
Secondly, I am grateful that I have been allocated a new mental health case manager who is lovely, understanding and most importantly, able to do her job. I had lunch with her today and it was really nice. She is easy to talk to and doesn't doesn;t criticise me or 'dob' on me unnecessarily to DHS. So I am optimistic about the future with her.
Thirdly, I am beyond grateful for the people in my life who go the extra mile and understand me. And yes, most of these people are on Facebook. I could thank them every day for the rest of my life and it still wouldn't be enough. I have so much gratitude and love for these people who are there day in, day out, checking in with me and offering me support and love. Being able to rely on these people makes a huge difference in my life. I am totally myself on Facebook - and to be accepted, is a great feeling. I love that my spam is appreciated. I love waking up to notifications, private messages and wall posts of people just sending me love or letting me know that they are thinking of me. It means the world - and then some.
I appreciate that there are people out there that take the time to get to know me and understand me. People that have know obligation to support me and have a lot of stuff going on in their own lives. I feel very priviledged to know a lot of my facebook friends and have their support.
BPD is a complex and difficult to treat disorder. And I understand that people often get frustrated that they can't 'fix' me or that I don't just 'get better'. I know I have lots of cycles and my life is largely 'two steps forward, one step back'. I know also, that a lot of my behaviour is confronting, confusing and difficult to comprehend, for some.
I appreciate those out there who try to understand the reasons behind my behaviour - not condone or support it, but understand. It really means a lot. I know I am difficult to deal with, hell I hate dealing with me some times.
But overall, I know I am gradually making progress. My psychologist used to talk about a spectrum of self-harm. So while my actions at the moment may not be ideal in the eyes of some, I feel that overall I am in a better place than 6 months ago.
But a huge huge huge thank you to each and every person out there, who has stood by me while I crash and burn over and over. Thank you to everyone who keeps helping me build up the pieces. You have a love and patience for me that I dont even have for myself. And I truly appreciate it.
Monday, 21 November 2011
A lot of teenagers may freak out at discovering they were pregnant at such an age and at such a time in their life, but for me, it felt like I had been holding my breath for two years and I could finally exhale. I could finally relax, let go of that huge, overwhelming desire to have my baby back and then focus on my exams and study. By the time my exams started, I was suffering morning sickness. I was throwing up every morning before going to exams that lasted up to three hours. The whole time I was starving hungry and praying I wouldn't through up during my exams. My ENTER score (which is called something totally different now) was 95.35. I studied hard and put in lots of effort but there is no way I could have focused or achieved that without my little Lucas growing in my belly.
I am not going to recap his whole life and all the joy he has brought me but he does bring me so much happiness and pride. And happiness especially with my disorder is something very rare for me to experience.
My mother often yelled at me that I had autism because I have a few of the traits but never did anything about it.
Lucas had a speech delay when he was younger and has shown more and more austistic traits as he has grown up.
It has been hard to deal with at times, especially as he is a very tense and stressed out little tyke. But I get him. I get that the world is overwhelming, scary and hard to deal with. I want to help him - not fix him. I want to prepare his kinder, his school, his world for him - rather than force him to adapt to an environment he can't handle.
Having a child with a diagnosis that I may possibly share, has deepened our connection and bond. I feel so close to him. The love, the bond, the understanding I have with him runs so deep.
He is a little genius. He is so smart and so clever. And it is all him. And I am so proud.
He is so funny. He makes me laugh.
I love his kisses, cuddles and snuggles.
He was the best baby when he was first born. And I honestly think he saved my life.
I am truly grateful to have Lucas to call my own. He has added to my life in a way I never thought possible. To have the bond and connection we have, is ... I don't even know the words anymore. But I feel truly lucky.
I love him. I want the best for him. I want the world to see how clever he is and how much potential he has. He truly is an amazing little dude. And I am grateful that he is my son.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Today I am grateful for having amazing Facebook friends whose ongoing support and entertainment I'd be lost without. I very grateful for coffee. I am grateful for music to keep me occupied on my train trips. And i'm grateful that i'm off to see my baby boy this morning! <3 Life is far from perfect but I'm grateful for all the good in today! :-)
Friday, 18 November 2011
Back here again...
Today, I am grateful because my faith in humanity has been restored. A group of mums who were joined by the fact they had babies in the same month this year, united to help one of their own who was struggling financially. Those who could contribute gave what they could. It was such a heart warming moment to see this Mum receive this gift from a group of women from all over Australia, most of whom she hadn't met before. The feeling of giving something with no expectation of anything in return, is truly a remarkable feeling.
With so much negativity in the world and the loss of the 'village' that once existed, it was definitely a 'warm and fuzzy' moment to be part of this group who were able to help this other mum out. This selfless act of generosity truly restored my faith that there is some good in the world.